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What if the boat sinks?

I was really scared the boat would sink on the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. My parents promised me this would not happen and it didn’t. It is very rare this will happen so there is no need to worry. I did read a story of people who been at sea for 2 days when they saw water in the boat which they could not solve. They send a mayday, got a reaction directly and in 2 hours there was a boat who offered help. They had enough time to pack everything they needed and bring their stuff to the other boat using the dinghy. During this time another ship had come too, after seeing 2 sailing boats without sail. So this means if it happen, there will be someone around even if you can’t see them. They also had time to get all their belongings so there was no stress. This is a very safe thought, that no matter what you will be fine. Especially with all the new technology now a days. And they said: “it didn’t feel wrong to leave the ship we tried everything we could.”

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